Day #1 in London

My grandmother and I arrived at Heathrow in London at about 10:30 AM local time, and we were extremely tired. I had only got about an hour or two of sleep on the plane over the Atlantic ocean. We walked to the taxi area and got into a cab. The UK taxis are black and look old, on the inside, there is quite a large space, and three seats along the back of the car. There is no trunk in the UK taxis so we had lots of extra space inside the taxi. Even with the taxis old look, it had an intercom for talking to the driver and also an AC and window button. When we arrived at our hotel we put our bags down and immediately took a two-hour long nap before leaving for lunch. We ate lunch at the ale and pie restaurant below our hotel. I ordered an incredible beef burger, and Baba ordered a steak and blue cheese pie. After lunch, we walked about five minutes to big ben.

The Big Ben

This is a picture of the London eye. We decided to go on the London eye on our last day in London. 
 After looking at the big ben and London eye for a while we went down to the docks for the boat tour that we had scheduled. We took a nice boat tour along the Thames so that we could get our bearings of the center of London, and know how to get back if we ever get lost.

Tower of London

The silver dragons that separate London and Westminster.


  1. Charlie - It's so great to see the pictures and read your descriptions.

  2. Hi Charlie, Ms. Madden here! It sounds like you are having a great trip. I like your description of the taxi ride! Can you tell me a little more about your experience at the Tower of London? It has a pretty grisly history. Did you learn any interesting details about it?

  3. Charlie, best of travels to you! Loved reading old company was headquartered in Wimbeldon so for 5 years I went to London once a year! A magical city....find a good Indian restaurant...I miss the curry dinners we had every year! Enjoy and hugs to you both! Aunt Tanya

  4. Charlie, I love your picture of Big Ben! Was the London Eye awesome or nauseating (I like the idea of ferris wheels more than the experience)? I'm glad that you're blogging and sharing your experience -- I wish that I were there with you! As someone who has only spent eight hours in London, I don't know anything about the silver dragon that separates London and Westminster -- what does that mean?

  5. Love the picture of Big Ben. My understanding is that in England, whenever American's would use a fork, they use a spoon and vice versa. e.g. for soup, the English use a fork and for spaghetti a spoon. Let me know if that's true. I also hear they wear their pants backwards and walk backwards so its hard to tell the difference. As they say in London, Have a bad time! - Uncle Ted

  6. I can't get over the blue skies and shorts! You and Baba are so lucky! I'm sure you know of London's weather reputation...
    Hope you go inside the Tower of London. Nigel and Finn loved it. And Delish food in there!

  7. Great Big Ben picture! So glad I now can find your blog.

  8. Charley, I'm sure you know that the Brits don't always use the same words we Americans do. A truck is a lorry, a vacation a holiday, and two weeks is a fortnight. Something to remember whenever you're in a restaurant is that a napkin
    is a serviette. In Britain a napkin is something women wear and men don't. Incidentally, when the movie "Mame" was about to be shown in Britain, the song "Bosom Buddies" had to be cut. Evidently "bosom" is considered a dirty word in the UK.

    1. That's right and a car trunk I think is a boot


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